News Release
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Payments Due
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Payments Due

August 30, 2011

TERRA ALTA, WV — Alongside a flurry of activity on the financial side of running such a golf trip, the Golfapalooza Founding Fathers would like to remind everyone that payments for GXV are now due. As Shieker so eloquently put it, "these ******* deadbeats better send in their ******* money! We are not running a charity organization."

As of press time, just over half of all trip funds due have been collected, which is about par for the course given the field. The eternal pessimist KGB was quick to note that "ONLY half of the funds have been collected." That's an interesting position taken by a Founding Father who has officially paid zero percent of his amount due.

Also as of press time, Ronnell Green, Eric Melick and Ken Pagett have not successfully completed options on the website. This is required to at least get your golf shirt size. Hell, even rich wolff got it right and he can't even type capital letters!

Finally, the Founding Fathers have announced that pairings for the Practice Round, and Thursday and Friday's rounds will be officially released in two weeks. Loozers are encouraged to 1) verify that their "I'm playing the practice round" option is correct and 2) if desired, be sure their playing partner preferences are updated. (Note: The Competition Committee will only use the first 8 preferred partners for each Loozer when compiling the teams. There is no need to rank the entire field, dumba$$.)