News Release
Nelson Wins Dog Bowl
Magical Nelson Signs
Rookie Ed
Rookie Ed

December 6, 2004

ERIE, PA — Casey Nelson, i.e. Ed, who waited to enter the On Tour Championship until September, entered the Leaderboard in the 39th position with 34.0 points per round and remained there through the finish.

"This guy is playing Cable Hollow and Jackson Valley," said Kevin Long, Jr.. "A 443-yard par 5 is not common.  Especially not in a major championship like the Carl Spackler Open.  The shortest (473 yards) in history was in 2002 at the Colonial in Williamsburg."

Ed played Cable Hollow twice scoring an impressive 34 and 26 points. "I played quite well as a rookie," said Nelson. "There is a lot of pressure on rookies and I am happy so far."  Ed shot 88 strokes at Jackson Valley good for 42 points. He had 6 pars and 7 bogeys.

Rumors continue to surface that Nelson will sign this month for his first major championship.  After signing, his next obvious step is getting ready for the 2005 On Tour Championship and improving his long-irons and putting.