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Plant the Seed Today

August 22, 2003

AMBRIDGE, PA — The 2004 Carl Spackler Open, #1 amateur tournament, will open first round play on Thursday, June 10, 2004 and require a minimum of four full kitchen passes. The field promises to be a group of top amateurs in the golfing world.  Organizers expect steady growth, but only at an estimated 40% in 2004.

Matt Davis (i.e. Pokey), Vice-President of Kitchen Pass Allocation released in his annual PWRP address, "It is important to plant the seed for the tournament immediately. This goes for the non-whipped players. Along with planting, watering the seed is extremely important to keep the flower growing and healthy. Your kitchen passes allocation should be planted and watered bi-weekly through December. This is critical to your allocation." Pokey's profound statement echoed loudly across the field. He added, "The seed will always grow better with sunlight. Make sure your seed planting and watering occurs in the sunlight when your flower is most receptive. Rainy days just don't work well."

With that powerful statement, Rob Fustich indicated that he has in the past and will be attempting to plant his seed before football season.  "It really hurts when you are not in control", said Fustich.  "I think that I have the smokes, beer and swing to make an impact at this thing."

The Open is less than 300 days away, however the letters of intent are scheduled for player delivery in three months. With the help of the Captain's Club, Carl Spackler has decided on a few possible locations for the tournament including the state of Maryland and North Carolina. The location along with exact pricing will be released in September and October 2003.