News Release
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Dick Passes Ass to Chad
Strong Breese goes Calm
These Guys are Good
Inside Path Struggles
Scary Golf
Al Escapes Carl Outfit
Explaining 12's
He Got Skills
Horrendous; Greatness
Ridgeway Fires 7 Birdies
Dosky Fires 39
A Feel for Destiny
Championship Preview
Ready for a Tangle
The Ass Odds
Returned Passion
Playing Like Crap
For the Glory
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Not Again

December 1, 2003

SUFFOLK, VA — Chris Goss is a father again and plans to stay home with his new baby instead of traveling to Winston-Salem this summer for the 2004 Carl Spackler Open Championship.  This devastating news comes one full year after announcing the same news in November 2002.

"I received my postcard and it sounds absolutely perfect but I can't make it this year. Don't know if you know or not but Mamma is preggo again and she will be due about a week after the Open.  That kind of timing eliminates me."

Gossy is the third factual victim of the Carl Spackler Red Zone.  There are several reports of five different cases including Shawn Long, Jeff Cowan, Don Crile, Rick Dosky and now Chris Goss.

Gossy added, "I'd love to play and it?s not about the kitchen passes or money," he said. "The Open is a very special tournament. But right now, the time I'm spending with my family is the most important thing to me, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Consider me a victim of the Red Zone."