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February 4, 2004

FREDERICKTOWN, OH — On Tuesday, the Captains Club announced it's 39th signed player to play in the 2004 Carl Spackler Open. Mike Watkeys has signed a letter of intent and is the 18th and final member to sign to play in this prestigious event.

"I am very excited about any opportunity to return to the gentlemen's club in North Carolina. It is just disappointing that I will have to wait 126 more days", said Watkeys. He added, "I heard Shari has been one of the best dancers in the east for quite some time. I just hope that she will be in town that weekend."

Mike has not mentioned golf since his 18th place finish in 2003. Jay Dilks of the club made a brief statement. "We are working with Mike for all sorts of reasons. The girls are certainly important to all of us guys, but he is obviously struggling with his golf game and needs a little more focus on golf.  If nothing else this year, we plan to use special golf carts with seat belts for Mike and his passengers."

Mike was awarded the 2002 Horses Ass Award for slamming full speed into a tree with a golf cart while making a Tequila Sunrise. "That accident really hurt. I still have bruses on my shins."

The 2004 Carl Spackler Open is scheduled to begin in 123 days. The field doubled from 9 players in 2001, to 18 in 2002 and then 32 players in 2003. The 2004 tournament has many prizes including a large purse, golden jacket, and horses ass trophy. It is still unknown how large the field may get over the next few months. However, one thing is for sure. Watkeys will have Tequila and be ready to defend his Trophy.