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Draft NOOG Released

May 25, 2004

WINSTON-SALEM, NC — With 16 days left, the NOOG points have been updated for the 4th annual Carl Spackler Open Championship.  Although, the points will continue to be updated until the last possible moment, all player points have been set as draft.

The final NOOG points will be released days before the tournament as players continue to get last minute rounds submitted.  "I really think this tournament will be tighter than ever", said Greg Long.  "I worry about a few rookies that only submit the minimum required scorecards, but I could not even give you a favorite at this point."

Slick's comments come during an On Tour Championship Leaderboard that has never been tighter.  With the exception of a player or two, the entire 30 player leaderboard is within 12 points of each other.

As of today, several players are geared towards receiving plenty of points.  Rookies Fred Bessette, Joe Caridi, and Mike Lewis are slated for a triple bogey point and an unpresendented 3 points for double bogey.  Rick Dosky, Grady Walters, Jim Campbell, and 2004 Carl Spackler Outfit wearer Jon Munksgard are all scheduled for a triple bogey point.

"These guys are really being given a gift", said Matt Davis.  "It is truely amazing how the major championship gives anyone the ability to win the coveted Golden Jacket."

The other side of the coin has Jason Ridgeway asking, "Where are my points?"  Rookie Ridgeway is scheduled to not receive triple bogey, double bogey, or even bogey points.  "This guy must play scratch.  He is only getting one point for par", said Mike Davis.  "How can he be on a level playing field with players getting 7 points for par?  If he places in the Top 10, we all need to bend over and grab our ankles."

The 2004 Carl Spackler Open is scheduled to begin in only 15 days.  As players continue to get ready for this year's first major championship, only the Tanglewood Park golf course knows the winner.