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Barnesville Kiss

July 6, 2005

POTTSVILLE, PA — Just like a romantic comedies, affection finds it's way anywhere.  A clubhouse deck in the middle of nowhere is no exception.  This affection proves Brian Long has been kissed by a female outside his mother.

"Nobody can say he is gay," says close friend Kyle Marti.  "That smile was indeed pleasure."  Brian Long was kissed twice by a young female at Mountain Valley nearly one month ago.  The first kiss, witnessed by many, was followed up with another after Jason Ridgeway indicated to the young lady, "Kisses look better on film."

Brian Long scored 30 and 32 points before the kiss.  He went "under fire" the next morning closing the tournament with 50 points.  An impressive 7 pars and 7 long putts.

"I was under fire last year at Tanglewood," says Brian Long.  "I had 7 pars and 6 long putts in my final round.  The only kiss that I remember last year was from the top of opened beer cans.  I was wasted."

Brian Long continues to make a statement to the field of players each year.  His 3rd round is going to impress the field of players.  "My game spikes each round and the statistics prove that," says Long.  "It is just something that everyone needs to expect.  I would have 3 jackets in my closet if this tournament was 72 holes."

Even the skeptical players have become jealous.  "I was surprised that the chick had a full set of teeth," says Jason Watson. "I think everyone wanted a kiss from her before she touched Brian.  Especially Mike Herron, Glenn Hoffert, and Scott Mealey who could have used the help on the golf course."

The next tournament is scheduled for June 7-10, 2006.  The Carl Spackler Open has a great set of venue options.  Wheeling, Morgantown, Buffalo, Rochester, Detroit, Toledo, Lexington, and Cincinnati lead the scouting activites for the Captains Club.  The Legacy near Toledo will be visited on Saturday.