News Release
Fire and Ice Baby!!!
Doubting Thomas
Bartlett Captures First MELC
Kinder, Gentler Brent??
Championship Preview
Best Line Award
Hole 14.2: Careful
Vegas Releases Golfapalooza Team Event Odds
Hole 11.2: Bird House
Advice From the Wilsons
Top Seven Reasons You Won’t Win the MELC
Wilsons Make Final Preparations
Hole 7.2: Butter Fade
Top 5 Loozers to Avoid as Your Scramble Partner
That's what she said
Yep, He’s Good; But So What!?
Hole 4.2: Bernie
Top 5 Loozers You Want as Your Scramble Partner
Rejuvenated Wally Signs for GXII
That's what she said

September 4, 2008

TERRA ALTA, WV — Dude, quit checking out my ball.

Just put your hand on it and smile, come it it will be really funny.

I’m telling you man, I could live here forever

Wooo Whooooo look at us we’re playing golf

I love you man.  You are so funny, No seriously I love you

Where in the hell am I

Come on man, is there a booger in my nose

And then after that she came over and laid down right in front of right here

Dude, does that hat make my head look big

Are you sure you pissed right here?  I can’t smell anything

One, two, three,  One, two, three and to the right two three

Come on, just lick it

Is this heaven?

Just come here, give me a big hug

Man this America is so nice, we don’t have anything like this back home, I am sooooo glad I came to this country

Come on now, you don’t have to cry about everything… come with me, I’ll make you some cookies.

Does this jacket make me look fat

Worty majorokl and freosch to michtchals down to fith kole

Does this visor make me look like penis

Who in the world are these people, what land are you from…where am I

No, really I love you.  Let me hold this for you so you don’t get wet

I swear to god you tell me to leave you alone one more time and I will kill you.

I will even kiss the ground you walk on

Hey everybody look at me, give me some attention, I am the greatest

Look at me, I am Monty, I am the great fireman, I have an ax and a crowbar thingy and a really cool hat and my mommy loves me.

Do these lips make me look like a girl

Hey, you’re kinda cute