News Release
Outstanding Balances Due
Outstanding Balances Due
Options Are Open
Outstanding Balances Due
Outstanding Balances Due
Event Fee Soars to $529
Outstanding Balances Due
It's ON!
Outstanding Balances Due
Required Fee Set: $424
Outstanding Balances Due
Cornhole Calcutta is Getting Makeover
Balances Due Today
Event Fee: $435
Team Defense to be a Problem at GXV
Event Fee Announced: $415
Golfapalooza Begins Thursday
Registration Ready To Begin
Carl Spackler Open, Inc.
Formal Registrations
Registration Ready To Begin

June 29, 2010

TERRA ALTA, WV — The Founding Fathers would like to announce that the first day of registration for Golfapalooza XIV will be July 1. Butter Flanagan took to the podium to go through some details. "As we open up enrollment for this year, a couple things to mention. Enrollment will be up for about seven weeks. If it's the middle of August and you're still trying to clear your schedule to make it, here's a little piece of advice - try harder. We can't sit around until three days before the outing waiting to hear that you've found someone to cover you at work. Shirts have to be ordered, food has to be bought and all that sort of stuff. We would appreciate as early a commitment as can be made. With that, I'll turn it over to Sheik to review the financial details."

Sheik took his spot at the podium to announce this year's cost. "We are pleased to be able to say we have kept the cost the same for this year as last year - $315. This covers all of the golf, daily team gambling, a roof over your head, food in your gut and a shirt on your back. We're proud to offer what we believe to be the best value in golf. Payment options are similar to last year as well. Google Checkout will once again be available for your online payment needs. Simply go through and complete your options to arrive at your total. Add $10 to that total to cover online processing fees and find the option that is closest to your total. I don't have three days to figure out all the possible combinations to list in the menu. I'll settle up any underpayments or overpayments at the cabin. Checks are also accepted - my address should show up on the Participant Balances screen on the tournament side which is also where you'll find the online payment link. I'll now turn the program over to GStan for some final comments."

"We're obviously looking forward to this year's event; it could be a record attendance year. Hopefully long-time Loozers like Dosky and Slick can return this year. Their presence was missed both on and off the course. Both Boland and JT have put out several invitations to potential rookies. We're also hoping that Sizeten makes it back again, even if he thinks we're all gay, not that there's anything wrong with that. Remember, if you can't lick 'em, lick 'em."

12 weeks remain until the start of the practice round.