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Where Have You Gone, Joe DiMaggio? (Part 2 of 3)
Elvis is NOT in Cabin
Surprise, Surprise
The Iron Chef
Elvis has entered the Building
Elvis Is In the Building
The Iron Chef

November 1, 2003

TERRA ALTA, WV — If you haven't been to the show, Brian McCormick has become the Iron Chef of Golfapalooza.  Known in Terra Alta as "Elvis", he has changed some opinion about whether he should stand behind the microphone or the grill.  It started in his rookie season and has flourished to the annual Saturday night Steak dinner.

The concept is clear, but Elvis remains flamboyant, eccentric gourmet and portrayed by his peers as the Iron Chef.  These Iron Chefs are considered top chefs in the culinary fields of cooking. Although nobody has challenged the chef for the best steak, it is quite clear that someone will present a theme ingredient that will allow each meal to sizzle and allow everyone's taste buds to fly.

Our Iron Chef is naturally good humored and is best known for the goofy faces he makes, his demand for complete satisfaction of his pears and the critique he demands.  Call him Elvis or the Iron Chef, but one this is for sure...  His knowledgable about food will always be graded higher than his golf swing.