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Scoring & Scorecards

The Carl Spackler Open is scored live, however they do allow both paper scorecard and mobile device. The mobile scoring website does not require access rights, however mobile scoring input requires access rights. Brian Long and Greg Long can provide access rights to score the tournament.

Greg Garrett and Greg Long will be managing 8,000 scores this coming week. PLEASE CONSIDER THE SCORING TEAM ON YOUR VACATION. Scorecards with Mike, Jay, or J.D. are the opposite of clarity. Both golf carts must score the entire foursome.  Do not chicken scratch or circle birdies. Track points on your arm and personal stats on your leg.

We are looking for a clear unique name, 18 clearly written numbers, and circled scores to indicate holes with long putt made. Turn in both scorecards when totals are identical.

Mobile live scoring changes 50-year old golf behavior. Unless you plan to strap your cell phone to the golf cart steering wheel, the routine behavior to score has or will change.

1. Comfort. Carry small cell phones in your pocket or find a traditional space in the golf cart.

2. Battery Charge. Come to the golf course with full charge.

3. Share. Multiple golfers in your foursome can share the job and battery lives.

4. Integrity. Do not score birdies with plans to change it later. Long-term integrity is paramount.