News Release
Seven Agonizing Minutes
Saturday Schedule Change
Introducing the Stupid Pot
Rookie's Preparation Paying Dividends
KGB Cup Captains Selected
GXVII Registration To Begin July 22
GXVII Plans Being Finalized
Quack Open July 26
Introducing the Stupid Pot

August 27, 2013

TERRA ALTA — While gathered with friends this March in Ohio, it occurred to Bro that he hung around quite a few people that say stupid things.  After reaching his daily limit of "royal straight flush" calls, he decided to start the "Stupid Pot".

Quite simple in design, it's a collection type urn (some might call it a bowl) that collects a $1 fee for every time someone says something stupid over the course of the weekend.  A winner is then drawn at random during the awards ceremony on Saturday night (must be present to win)

The rules are pretty basic

1)  Your stupid comment must be nominated at the time of said stupidity.  

2)  If the majority of people within earshot of the comment agree, then the person having said the stupid comment will owe $1 to the stupid pot.  Payable when within eyesight of the pot.

3)  If the majority of the people within earshot of the comment DISAGREE, the the person doing the nominating owes $1 to the stupid pot.  Payable when within eyesight of the pot.

4)  The same rules apply for acts of stupidity, though the penalty is $2.

There are a couple of additional incentive/qualifyers:

a)  Since it's a majority, there needs to be more than 2 people involved.  So feel free to say all the stupid shit you want when you're alone with Bro.

b)  There is an early buy out of $20.  Put $20 in the pot on Wednesday (offer ends at beginning of 4 man scramble) and say anything you want all weekend.  This is highly recommended if you have never won a best line trophy, or you have a nickname like, I don't know, ".5"

Walt will be the keeper of the funds, and will collect the pot total daily, updating the group on the amount.