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January 5, 2006

GLEN ALLEN, VA — Joe Butkus, Kevin Long, Jr., and the 2005 Carl Spackler Outfit, Mike Herron, have signed national letter-of-intents to attend the 2006 Carl Spackler Open Championship at The Neuse Golf Club just outside Clayton, NC. The 3 players add to a growing field from the state of Virginia. Mike Davis made the announcement on Monday before retiring for the evening.

"I'm extremely excited about the signings," Davis said. "We're fortunate to get guys passionate for the game.

Mike Herron lost the 2005 tournament with an ugly display of golf, however took advantage with his camera during Round 2. Mike cashed in when he submitted the 2006 Best Picture. A picture of Kevin Long, Jr. after he pooped his pants on the back nine.

"It was great mischief," says Herron. "The only entertainment on the golf course after three poor rounds."

Joe Butkus signs after a foot injury in the 2005 tournament that sidelined him for the optional 4-man scramble. "Joe is quality drunk golfer," says Mike Davis. "I wondered if we will ever saw a sober Joe."

Kevin, Mike, and Joe are the 3rd, 4th, and 5th players to sign and represent the state of Virginia. The 2006 Carl Spackler Open Championship begins play on June 8.