News Release
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Lots of Nice Ties

August 15, 2006

SELLARSBURG, IN — The Carl Spackler Open took a surprising step forward on Sunday when Lacey Underall, 51, was found by Carl Spackler strolling through Covered Bridge Golf Club wearing just a thin yellow blouse.

Carl, who was caught by surprise, immediately gave her a big hug and asked the aged Lacey if they could capture the moment with a quick photograph.

"I bet you've got a lot of nice ties," Underall said to Greg Long, who was wearing the Carl Spackler Outfit. "Would you like to tie me up with some of your ties, Carl?"

Carl replied, "Let's just plan on the Spackler Christmas Party and go from there. The guys would be excited for you to showcase your talents at this year's event and meet Spackler legends like Mike Herron and Mike Trojanowski. These are two of many guys have never had the opportunity to come visit you at the business office."

Tom McCauley, the 2002 Carl Spackler Outfit receipent, was nearby and asked Lacey, "What brings you to this nape of the woods, neck of the wape; How come you're here?" Lacey replied, "My uncle always said you've got a screw loose." McCauley immediately muttered, "Your uncle molested collies."

The reunion lasted for a minute before her male counterparts teed off the 11th hole at Covered Bridge. Then she proceeded to the ladies tee for a quick swing and then rode off into the sunset.

"She is a hacker indeed," said Tom OlaFowble. "As bad or worse than Spaulding. At least she does not tear up the tees and fairways. Thank goodness she just works in our business office as Lacey would surely require 5 points for triple-bogey."

Lacey Underall and Slick were 2 of 3 members of the team from the Spackler Business Office to participate in the Fuzzy Zoeller charity event.