News Release
Beta Version 2
PostStats LLC
System Overhaul
Tee Time Broadens
Scoring Integrity Added Debut
Version 3 Coming

October 5, 2006

WESTERVILLE, OH — PostStats LLC, the premier amatuer sports entertainment website, announced today Version 3 of the website will be available on January 2. The company plans to add and change several items with an intense focus on navigation.

Poststats CIO Brian Long commented, "The experienced users will not notice anything major except the handicapping changes. The infrequent users hopefully will notice a substantial change in navigation and increased usability."

The upgraded website is expected to toggle between events and virtual tournament with the preferred section being displayed up-front.

"We are moving the 2007 Carl Spackler Open Championship to the front of the website to accommodate the rookies and inexperienced computer users," said Long. "The experienced users can toggle over to the Virtual Tournament during the off-season."

The Virtual Tournament is expected to be splashed from July-November. The golf trip will be out-front during golf trip preparation period.

"A 9-hole league event section will be added to our golf portfolio," said Long. "The league section will provide scheduling, standings, teams, leaderboards, handicapping, etc.."

A handicap algorthm was completed in August for a new 60-point target. The new system increased the point combinations to 304 while removing aggressive and conserative combinations. Team handicaps for scramble formats is also available in the upgraded version. "We are always looking to improve, but our team handicap analyzer is already pretty cool."

The team scramble handicapper levels the playing field across teams regardless of golf skill per team. The true power is seen when an unwanted 5-man team is inserted into a round. It equally handicaps teams of 2, 3, 4 or 5-man teams."

In another move,, LLC plans to move the website onto another platform and server. The Java programming and new server is expected to improve speed while opening the doors for customer growth.

The navigation structure continues to be a problem for Drop down menus were eliminated last year and replaced with exclusive horizontal navigation to accommodate the hundreds of pages. The website may return to drop down menus.

For two years, PostStats LLC has designed and implemented a revolutionary concept of amatuer sports entertainment. The business plans to implement a complete marketing program, detailed help section and hundreds of other ideas into its website portfolio this winter.