News Release
Violation Probable
Target Moves to 60
Violation Probable

February 5, 2007

ATLANTA, GA — Larry Miller has decided to skip the Carl Spackler Open after the business office did not receive the appropriate tournament paperwork. Miller attended last June as a rookie and finished with a tie for 13th position.

The Captains Club has since learned from an unnamed source that Larry Miller is another member in violation of the Red Zone.

"Miller is most likely not coming this year," said the disclosed written statement. "His wife is expecting in mid-June." He requested that friends and family play it low-key, and they obliged.

The flood gates broke after the business office received voluntary information from another attending member.

Larry Miller finished the Raleigh tournament with 14 pars and 1 birdie. He also had 7 triple-bogeys with nearly half coming in the final 9 holes.

In other news, Brian Hiser, rookie of the year Bryan Grasser and Dave Ellis have also decided to skip the Michigan experience after not receiving the required paperwork. Jeff Tatum reported his Red Zone Violation last month.

The 2007 Carl Spackler Open Championship begins on June 7. The field of players is expected to be set at 60-64 golfers. The Option Selector is not yet available, but options cannot be selected until March 8.