Assault on MELC System
June 24, 2007
WHEELING, WV — As you all well know, we are inside of three months until kickoff for GXI. There are several Loozers who are expected to attend who have yet to sign, let alone post the mandatory three scorecards in order to compete for the MELC Championship. However, there are several who are very proud of their 07 improvements and have been posting with regularity. If you have been following this summer's virtual tourney, you have surely seen the jockeying for position at the top, with our leader averaging just under 70 MELC's per round. When asked about the blistering pace, Brad Carder had this to say, "This MELC thing is too easy to beat. Sure I had to throw a couple rounds at past Golfapaloozas; but who's laughing now. I am primed for an easy victory at this year's event."
Not so fast my friend!!! MElC was designed to guard against just such an array of sandbagging. Tournament officials have yet to adjust the scoring system for this year's tourney. Greg Long assured us, "Don't worry. By late September, we will all be scoring 60 points. I've been doing this for a long time. Trust me. It works!! Besides, what else do I have to do?"
In closing, I emplore all of you to sign up and post your scores to ensure a fair tournament (you're welcome Boland). If you are reading this, you probably have already done so. Shoot a reminder to fellow, incative Loozers and get them on the site.