News Release
Fire and Ice Baby!!!
Doubting Thomas
Bartlett Captures First MELC
Kinder, Gentler Brent??
Championship Preview
Best Line Award
Hole 14.2: Careful
Vegas Releases Golfapalooza Team Event Odds
Hole 11.2: Bird House
Advice From the Wilsons
Top Seven Reasons You Won’t Win the MELC
Wilsons Make Final Preparations
Hole 7.2: Butter Fade
Top 5 Loozers to Avoid as Your Scramble Partner
That's what she said
Yep, He’s Good; But So What!?
Hole 4.2: Bernie
Top 5 Loozers You Want as Your Scramble Partner
Rejuvenated Wally Signs for GXII
Dates Have Been Set

January 11, 2008

TERRA ALTA, WV — With Loozers beginning to turn in their vacation for the year 2008.  The Golfapalooza office has received a few calls asking about the date of GXII.  The dates for this years event are September 9/24 – 9/28.  Practice round being on 9/24.  There should be an invite sent out soon, you should expect to receive that around 9/20.  Please do not wait for the invite to register.  Simply go to the site register and send Sheik some money.

This will be the 10th year Golfapalooza has been held at Alpine Lake.  There have been a lot of memorable moments through the years.  Like the year there was a hurricane (not you Pat a real one) and Anne made it to the club house with pepperoni roles.  She said “I knew you guys would be waiting for me.  Have fun today I have pepperoni rolls for you at the turn.”  We then played 18 holes of golf in weather so bad that Grubler would probably not even hunt in it.  This weather and the infamous pepperoni roles prompted fellow loser Elvis to write a song about them.

We look forward to hearing about other events that have happened in the past as well as creating new memories in the future.