No Mulligans
January 16, 2006
WESTERVILLE, OH — With the 2006 season starting two weeks ago, Jason Watson and Brian Long called a press conference to discuss the use of mulligans. Both players decided getting the word out would help increase the integrity of the tournaments.
"Personally I feel really guilty using mulligans," says Watson of the Captains Club. "So I never us them. I don't really care if my playing partners use them, but they are only hurting themselves in the future. That includes Fowble-Fluffs in the rough. Especially for tournament style majors like the Carl Spackler Open."
Brian Long, who thinks the same, but had another angle to cover. "I never use them and hate people that do," says Long. "I get irrate when playing partners use mulligans and bug you about how they beat you."
The Carl Spackler Open does not endorse mulligans due to integrity of the statistics that establish player handicaps. "What is wrong with the truth," says Brian Long. "You look like Kyle Marti when you tell everyone you can shoot 100, but cannot shoot under 115 in tournament play."
The 2006 Virtual Tournament continues for another 11+ months. Scott Zavinski has a very early lead with 41.4 points per round.