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Beer Goggles

November 10, 2003

BUFFALO, NY — A new study by Don Creighton, Vice President of Player Discipline indicates that "beer goggles" may not work the same way for golfers as for women seekers. After extensive research at bars and clubhouses in the New York area, he confirmed that the more men drink the more likely they are to find a woman attractive, but found the reverse is true for the golf swing.

Psychologist Don Creighton, who headed the New York research team, told a newspaper: "It has long been known that men do not have the same obsession with golf as they are interested in other qualities like the female.

Fellow friend Mike Trojanowski was used in the study.  He was asked what he thought about the study.  "It was interesting that alcohol makes me seem even less attractive to a woman and contradicts popular belief that alcohol will encourage a romantic mood for both sexes", said Troj.

The study took a set of both male and female volunteers and asked them to grade pictures of the opposite sex from good-looking to ugly while sober. Different volunteers were then given varying amounts of alcohol including actual beer goggles and asked to perform the same task.

"Without fail, a drunken Troj rated girls several grades up the ladder in comparison with men who had graded the same pictures but had not been drinking", Creighton said.

One thing is for sure.  There will be enough beer at the Carl Spackler Open to make all fellow women look like supermodels.