News Release
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Shifting Deadlines

August 4, 2008

COLUMBUS, OH — The Captains Club announced today there are several traditional deadlines shifting including registration, participant options, and tournament fee collections. The shift in dates will tighten the event planning, but provide more 'back-end' time for must-needed organizing.

"We are adjusting the itinerary quite a bit," says Rick Dosky, Chief Financial Officer of the Captains Club. "The moving of deadlines will better the golf event as we continue to grow."

Tournament registration has always occured between November 15 and December 28. The first change will be the registration deadline. The Captains Club will continue to accept deposits as early as September, but will push the deadline for entry back to January 28.

"There were 72 participants in the 2008 Carl Spackler Open," says Dosky. "There were 19 late-entries (27 percent) in January, February, and March."

The push back to January 28 will move part of the registration period into the same year as the event. "We will push the initial deadline back 30 days, however tighten the registration process," said Rick Dosky. "There has been minor problems with employer vacation requests not being accepted until January 1 of the actual year of vacation. This move of date eliminates this participant inconvenience. It also moves the deadline out of the busy holiday season."

The tournament registration period will be available November 15, 2008 to January 28, 2009. Non-refundable non-transferable deposits will be postmarked on or before January 28. Dosky will also accept non-refundable non-transferable deposits as early as September 1.

Starting in 2009, the tournament business office will hold all late-non-refundable non-transferable deposits regardless of the number of cancellations starting this February 2009. All late-checks will be held until April 20, 2009.

"The goal is to acquire an accurate attendance list by February 1," says Dosky. "Our second goal is to acquire a tournament field divisible by four. We will use April 20 as the day to analyze the total number of cancellations, outstanding balances, vendor availability, and late-entries. A final tournament field will be announced on April 21."

The second deadline change will be participant outstanding balances. All balances will be postmarked on or before April 15, 2009. The deadline for outstanding balances will be moved up two weeks in the calendar.

"The date move for final payments will provide two additional weeks to get organized with cancellations, replacements, and additions," said Dosky. "It also provide a 40-day lead time for purchasing airline tickets and completion of roommates and pairings."

The Captains Club will also adjust the participant option collection period. The entire month of March will be considered "participant option month". There will be two weeks after the option collection deadline to make final payments to Rick Dosky.

The month of February will be used to organize the paid participants, cash numerous checks, and log participants into the website. It will also be used to provide the golf course, service vendors, and lodging our expectations and additional financial deposits two weeks earlier.

The 2009 Carl Spackler Open Championship preparations have begun, but the event still does not have a date. The annual golf event has traditionally resided one weekend prior to Father's Day and two weekends after Memorial Day. The calendar year of 2009 is unique. June 3-6 is two weekends after Memorial Day and June 10-13 is one weekend prior to Father's Day. A decision on tournament date is scheduled for October.