News Release
Butter Captures 2nd MELC Title
Unity Again Sweeping Golfapalooza Community
Ace In The Hole? Will it be lucky GXIII?
Seven Agonizing Minutes
Poker for Loozers
Loozers Lose
Rookie of the Year?
Cash Keeps Coming In
Don’t Step on my Blue Suede Size-Ten-Shoes(skis)
Veterans Struggling to Return
Golfapalooza Firsts
Behind the Scenes
Let's Get It Started
Loozer Enrollment Set to Kick Off
Cash Keeps Coming In

August 27, 2009

TERRA ALTA, WV — As we get within four weeks of this year's event, Sheik stepped to the podium for a brief Golfapalooza public service announcement. "I am very excited at the payment levels to date," Sheik said. "Online payment frequency is at an all time high, which is cool with me because it saves me from running to the ATM every day to deposit checks. I try to cash them quickly; you never know when someone might add it to their balance instead of subtract it. Some people in this outing are known for their creative math, both on the course and on the scorecard. One thing to remember though when paying online is to add the additional $10 to your total. There's been a few instances where that has been forgotten. I'll settle up with those people at the cabin."

The biggest shout-out goes to Mark "Sleepy" Kaniecki, who paid something before the event for the first time ever. "I gave GStan $300 to give to Sheik last weekend," Sleepy said when asked for comment. "I called him yesterday when it wasn't posted and asked him why it wasn't there. He made some lame excuse that I really didn't want to hear. I told him to just give him the damn money; I want to see my name as paid!"

27 days remain until the GXIII practice round.