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Ground Transportation

March 24, 2010

LAGUNA VISTA, TX — The Carl Spackler Open Championship plans to return this year with more  than a classic field of players. The event will enter unchartered terrority with 98 percent of the tournament field purchasing an airline ticket and one privately-owned car.

The Captains Club released the $4,000 ground transportation plan on Tuesday. The Vice President of Transportation, Don Creighton, started the news conference by saying, "We have put together a ground transportation plan from two Texas airports using the participant options collected. The actual transportation medium was decided upon using golfer intoxication, cost, and overall efficiency as the largest concerns."

The event plan, which is detailed inside the 'online event notebook' will use local taxis, rented passenger vans, and charter services to transport participants over a 5-day period.

"We are somewhat pleased with the opportunities in southern Texas, but doing our best with our options and expanded demand."

The Carl Spackler Open is a traditional 4-day 4-night golf event. The 2010 event slowly turned into a 5-day 5-night golf event this past winter, which stretched the ground transportation demand by an entire day. The transportation is scheduled to include 5 full days and 5 nights without raising the 4-day 4-night budget.

The event will use 7 specific volunteers to meet the goals surrounding some airport shuttling and golfer intoxication.

"The actual golfing does not require shuttle service this year," says Creighton. "Each participant is expected to walk the 8 to 10 minutes from their condominum to the clubhouse."

The ground transportation schedule is located inside the online itinerary. The details surrounding 5 days of transportation for 51 golfers can be found in the online notebook.

"We distributed $23.00 back to each participant in February 2010," says Don Creighton. "This cash will be needed to transport yourself back from South Padre Island each night. The details can be found inside the website notebook."

Participants will be given Wednesday night and Thursday morning to obtain beer, liquor, and grocery related items. "We are providing schedule-based ground transportation to the liquor store, beer store, convienence store, and full-size grocery store," says Creighton. "I would highly recommend each golfer take care of their personal business by noon on Thursday."

The 2010 Carl Spackler Open Championship will host players from 15 different states inside South Padre Island Golf Community. An Awards Presentation is scheduled for Sunday evening at the Bayside Cafe in Laguna Vista, TX.