News Release
Thursday's PM Practice Round
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Thursday's PM Practice Round

June 3, 2011

BARNESVILLE, PA — The 2011 Carl Spackler Open is days away. The hotel, buses, and golf course are ready. Are the players? The Captains Club held a press conference to discuss the important expectations and instructions surrounding the 11th annual event.

"Our golf vacation is planned; however there are responsibilities and instructions for each vacationer," says Vice President of Grass, Tom McCauley. "It is more desirable to receive a season summary of American Idol from Mark Palmer than repeat multiple instructions forty times on Thursday. Please read the information supplied regarding the event."


Everyone must register with Jay Myers or Jay Dilks on Thursday before the 2:15PM Practice Round. Please do not collect items for others. The red registration table with Carl Spackler Open logo will be stationed near the practice range. The goal is to distribute all gifts, tags, purchases, and pairing sheets.

Golf carts will not be moved prior to the shotgun start with minor planned exceptions. Golfers can head directly from the parking lot to the practice range.

Mountain Valley has been instructed to provide a barbeque with beverages outside the clubhouse during the Practice Round. This food and beverage is not included in your golf trip fee. Please do not delay golf inside the clubhouse ordering food and beverages.

Please read the pairing sheet upon arrival for additional expectations and general information. Hold onto the pairing sheet unless you have tommorrow morning's bus departure and tee time.

There are 8,000 scores to enter during the event. Please do not use "Jay", "Mike", or "J.D." as names on scorecards. Consider the scoring team. Both carts are expected to complete full scorecards that match.


Mountain Valley will gladly provide secured bag storage for everyone, however each golfer is responsible to make sure their personalized bag tag is attached and bag is properly stored. Do not leave wedding rings, wallets, cell phones, or equivalent in your golf bag.

Place your street shoes in your golf bag before leaving your parked vehicle on Thursday. Get in the habit this week of switching out your street shoes with your golf shoes when acquiring and storing a golf bag.


Dinner is included on Thursday as part of the golf trip fee after the initial bag storage. Cheese steaks, chicken wings, and pierogies will be served. Alcoholic beverages are not included. The clubhouse bar will be open. A meeting will be held on the clubhouse deck in conjunction with dinner.

The 2011 Carl Spackler Open is nearly a 5-night 4-day golf tournament with 95 golfers. Mountain Valley Golf Course received their Carl Spackler Open framed gift back in October 2010 after being chosen to host the 2011 annual birthday party. The 4 x 3 foot frame is on the wall in the pro shop.