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Chumlee or JT

June 17, 2014

TRIADELPHIA, WV — First it was Chumlee now it's JT or will it be Whitey or a dark horse from the group of losers that have all put their money where their mouth is.  With 90 days to go before Golfapalooza there is yet again another weight loss bet happening among the loozers.  (reach out to JT this week if you want in).  The goal is to lose 15% in the next 90 days or as close as you can.

What strategies will be deployed this year?  Will there be rubber suits involved?  Will there be a fab diet?  Exercise? Or one of Butter's personal favorites popcorn and water diet.  Either way I am sure there will be quite a bit of complaining, ben gay and gold bond.

Tune in September for the results and see who is crowned the winner.  Knowing full well that we are all Losers.