News Release
GXXVIII - Cornhole Singles
Cornhole Tournament Draws
KGB Cup Teams Announced . . .SUCK IT!
G25 Lodging/Bed Assignments
Changes Coming to the BSPITW
Spyderrrrrrrrrrr: I Can’t Afford This Much Patron
KGB Cup Analysis (Part 2)
KGB Cup Analysis (Part 1)
KGB Cup Analysis - Part 3 of 3
KGB Cup Analysis Part 1 of 3
Rookie Poised to Claim Record Fat Bet Payout
Jambone Seeks Treatment for Anxiety over Belt Defense
Gallup Poll: Nobody Cares Who's Really Shortest
GXXI KGB Cup Analysis (Part 2)
GXXI KGB Cup Analysis (Part 1)
GXX KGB Cup Analysis (Part 2)
GXX KGB Cup Analysis (Part 1)
Thursday Teams Released
It's ON!
KGB Cup - Opposing Views
It's ON!

June 23, 2016

TERRA ALTA, WV — Was it the fact that the first official day of summer had arrived? Was it competitive anticipation in the wake of US Open weekend? Was it excitement over coming competition format change for GXX? No matter the reason, there was a flurry of signing activity for Golfapalooza XX this week, with the field being expanded from 15 Loozers to 23 Loozers in just a single day. And we are still more than 80 days away from the world of golf's most exciting, hilarious and exhausting tournament.

The twentieth Golfapalooza (GXX) will officially begin on September 15, 2016, and it looks to be, as we like to say every single year, the best one yet. The practice round/KGB cup will begin at 1PM on Wednesday the 14th, and official Golfapalooza competitive rounds will include 3 days of four man scramble competitions as Golfapalooza seeks to identify the Best Scramble Partner in the World (BSPTIW). The selection of teams - which will be switched up every day - and the scoring format for the BSPITW, are yet to be finalized, but the possibility of eight-somes roaming the hills of Terra Alta, beers and birdie horns in hand, music radiating from every group of carts, could indeed prove to give Loozers the most enjoyable on-course experience Golfapalooza has ever offered.

All but one signed Loozer has fully embraced the new format. Bro has long been considered a virtually unanimous choice as the BSPITW among the world of Golfapalooza. When he found out he was now going to have to actually go out and officially earn the title, he offered only a one-word comment, "WHAAAT!?!?!"

Among the June 20th signings, Quack and DoubleG will both return after one-year absences; Founding Father KGB and 17 year veteran Jambone made it official, although their attendance was never in doubt; Sensay will once again carry the torch for the New York crew, while the other New Yorkers remain on the fence; Spanky, Dosky and RG4 also committed. Founding Fathers and veterans have been reaching out to long lost Loozers from the past, as GXX would be the perfect year for a comeback, and with several potential rookies in various stages of recruitment, GXX could be the most well-attended in history.

Over the next several weeks, trip options will be finalized and published. Get signed. Don't be left out. Because once you're out you're out - unless you're back in.