News Release
Phase 2 Begins February 1 or 2
Optional Practice Round
Headed for Texas
Red Stakes & Lines
Round Killer Haunts Bateson
Red Stakes & Lines
Growth Expected at 10 Percent
Bateson Scores 78
Beer Drinkers Sign
Growth Expected at 10 Percent
Rapid Signings Continue
Round of the Year
A New Top 5
Looking for a Spark
Excited for 2006
Better Safe than Sorry
Not on My Watch
Season Finale
Golfapalooza; 10 Days
Better Safe than Sorry

May 8, 2005

POWELL, OH — Sometimes it is just better to play somewhere else.  That is probably what Bill Bateson was thinking last Thursday when he played Shamrock Golf Course in Powell, OH.  The course has 18 holes consisting of nothing but fairways lined by other fairways and hackers to boot.

"Never a dull round," says Bateson.  "I cannot believe their proshop does not carry helmets.  I have to go to a bicycle shop to get the appropriate equipment.  That does not sound right."

The sand bunkers at Shamrock are used as bunkers in a battle field.  Golfers hide in them to prevent being hit between the eyes.

"It is really nice to play a golf course and shoot 81," says Bateson.  "That is not my cheating score, but true representation of my game right now with my helmet on.  I played better than 40 points though."

Bill Bateson could move into 4th place for the 2005 On Tour Championship with another like round.  "He kinda looks cute with that helmet," says Marty Zabonik.  "I wonder if he gets helmet with that on."

The 2005 On Tour Championship is under way with Don Creighton leading the season-long tournament.  A very good weather pattern approached the midwest and eastern US over the weekend.  The Captains Club expects another huge entry of scorecards.