News Release
Not Again
Player of Year Wide Open
Victim of the Red Zone
Home Field Advantage
Mr. Consistent Improving
Seeking Psychologist
Victim of the Red Zone

December 27, 2002

MANASSAS, VA — Chris Goss is a father and plans to stay home with his new son instead of traveling to Madison, Ohio this summer for the 2003 Carl Spackler Open Championship.

"Things are great. Mom and baby are wonderful, and we hope to remain home for a few months," Gossy said.  "I plan to take the year off to focus on my cross-training and meditating.  Since Troj taught me about the power of the the mind, no matter how great the challenge, how little you have to work with, he is my inspiration."

Gossy is the first victim of the Carl Spackler Red Zone.  He is also the first known player from the 2002 Carl Spackler Open that will not be signing for the 2003 Open.  Last year, Kevin Long, Jr., was the lone victim of the Red Zone.

Gossy added, "I'd love to play and it?s not about the kitchen passes or money," he said. "The Open is a very special tournament.  But right now, the time I'm spending with my family is the most important thing to me, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.  Consider me a victim of the Red Zone."