JT Thomas Award

Given to the golfer whose game gets worse the most from year to year.

Past Winners
tourney Golfer Reason
Golfapalooza XXVI Long, Michael 15 Point decrease, 27 points in 2021, 12 points in 2022
Golfapalooza XXIII Dosky, Rick 11 shot increase
Golfapalooza XVIIII Dosky, Rick
Golfapalooza XVIII Miller, Chris Golf game went down with the Woodshed as well.
Golfapalooza XV McFarland, Don JT Thomas Trophy looks great with the Green Jacket.
Golfapalooza XIV Flanagan, Brian 2009's MELC Championship too much to live up to.
Golfapalooza XIII Carlstrom, Brian Couldn't say no to the Woo Woo
Golfapalooza XII Long, Michael Ill advised tackle during Jungle Juice Thursday
Golfapalooza XI Long, Greg Too many holes crammed into not enough days.
Golfapalooza X Long, Michael