Averages (last 15 rounds)
Quadruple Bogeys 2.5333
Triple Bogeys 4.2000
Double Bogeys 4.8000
Bogeys 4.2000
Pars 1.6000
Birdies 0.1333
Eagles 0.0000
Double Eagles 0.0000
Bonus Points 20.333333333333
PostStats Stroke Handicap
As Of Sep 20 +28.60
Series Participation
Nickname Top Shelf.
Residence Fort Myers, FL US
Birthday March 21
Height 5 ft, 10 in
Weight 260 lbs
Occupation Food and beverage manager
Playing Since 2003
Swings Right
Poor Shots Slice
Referral Mark Roner
Registration January 14, 2013
Favorite Course Eagle Lakes
Favorite Hole #18 at Eagle Lakes
Best Shot #14 at Arrowhead
5i from 55.0 yards
Stopped within and inch of hole.
Club Distance Driver: 215 yds | 5 Iron: 155 yds | 7 Iron: 135 yds
Dream Foursome Tim Swanson , Patrick Sammis , Adam Jackie
Golf Course Pref Condition, Layout, Service
Reasons I Golf Friendships, Socialize, Drink Beer
Latest Scorecards
2024 Virtual
Tourney Handicap
PostStats Stroke Handicap
As of Jan 1 +29.78
PostStats Point Handicap
Quadruple Bogey 0
Triple Bogey 1
Double Bogey 2
Bogey 3
Par 6
Birdie 11
Eagle 20
Double Eagle 35
Target 60
2024 Virtual
Tourney Statistics

3 rounds required in 2024