Averages (last 15 rounds)
Quadruple Bogeys 1.8667
Triple Bogeys 3.6000
Double Bogeys 6.9333
Bogeys 4.3333
Pars 1.1333
Birdies 0.0667
Eagles 0.0000
Double Eagles 0.0000
Bonus Points 12.333333333333
PostStats Stroke Handicap
As Of Jul 27 +29.59
Series Participation
Nickname Stan
Residence Charleston, SC US
Birthday August 31
Height 5 ft, 11 in
Weight 175 lbs
Occupation IT
Playing Since 2012
Swings Right
Poor Shots Slice
Referral Dan Obendorfer
Registration April 6, 2021
Favorite Course Red Tail Golf Club
Club Distance Driver: 250 yds | 5 Iron: 200 yds | 7 Iron: 170 yds
Golf Course Pref Layout, Condition, Service
Reasons I Golf Friendships, Get Outside, Socialize
Latest Scorecards
2024 Virtual
Tourney Handicap
PostStats Stroke Handicap
As of Jan 1 +30.46
PostStats Point Handicap
Quadruple Bogey 0
Triple Bogey 1
Double Bogey 2
Bogey 5
Par 7
Birdie 12
Eagle 22
Double Eagle 35
Target 62
2024 Virtual
Tourney Statistics
PostStats Stroke Handicap
2024 Tally +31.88
+/- +1.42
National Ranking #T69
Adjusted National Ranking #T15
PostStats Point Handicap
2024 Tally 64.60
National Ranking #T22