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Tourney Price Increases

July 8, 2004

WILLIAMSBURG, VA — Although the price for the 2005 Carl Spackler Open is still unknown, the Spackler Business Office is releasing public what information has already been circulating.

"With much regret, the tournament price for 2005 will increase," says the Chief Financial Officer Rick Dosky.  "Although, we do not have the final numbers, the trip will cost each player a little more from their pocket."

The last three years has seen a decreased tournament price from $337 to $330 to $329 while the services increased rapidly.  "We have seen a steady price reduction each year and do not want to set improper expections for 2005," says a disappointed Dosky.  "The north cannot compete against the south when price is considered.  We are hoping to increase by only $5 or $10 per player, but cannot guarantee anything as of yet."

That places the 2005 tournament price at an estimated $334 or $339 per player.  "This increase funding includes additional services and entertainment value," says Chairman Greg Long.  "It also includes the standard fee only.  We believe players participating in the practice round could see the same overall fee as Winston-Salem."

The 2005 Carl Spackler Open is scheduled to be played in New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, or Maryland.  Course location is scheduled for release in 83 days on September 30, 2004.