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Championship Preview
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Record 12th State

February 9, 2005

WOODLAND HILLS, CA — With less than 120 days away, Bill Dick of Dallas, Texas has assured this year's RAW championship will not be over before May.  "I have asked my good friend from California to join us at Mountain Valley," says Dick.  "Not only to join the fun, but too ensure Ridgeway works for his 2nd RAW championship.  His name is Ravi Bakshi."

Ravi signs with a 2.6 USGA Handicap Index and scorecards that could make players drule.  Scorecards from Spanish Bay, Riviera CC, Pebble Beach, and Kapalua in Hawaii. "I am excited about playing golf in a championship handicapped format," says Ravi.  "I usually have no problem beating up my foursome each round, but this ensures complete focus and places a very high demand on birdies and even an eagle or two."

Ravi enters the tournament as the 64th player.  He represents the 12th state.  Ravi resides north of Los Angeles in Woodland Hills.  California follows Texas, Nevada, Georgia, Indiana, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina.

The 2005 Carl Spackler Open begins in 119 days.  Players have 2 weeks to complete their preferences online.