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March 11, 2005

POTTSVILLE, PA — Five years ago, the Carl Spackler Open in Myrtle Beach was little more than a concept. Today, thanks to the efforts of Captains Club, the annual golf tournament is the most cost effective online group gathering in eastern America.

As one of the first employees in our Captains Club, Don Creighton has been overwhelmed. "It's a big honor for me. If you look at our assignment - to find a location, provide a service and to have the opportunity to start an operation from scratch - the experience has been incredible," Creighton said. "It just feels really nice to be recognized at all. I could not even begin to imagine that it was ever going to happen, but it's great."

As the Carl Spackler Open moves forward each year, they are constantly implementing positive changes. Mike Trojanowski stepped up to make an announcement. "Back in 2003, we released our strategic drivers and our success is a direct result.  These four drivers guided the tournament and annual experience. All changes have strategically align through the drivers and the Captains Club fully expects to move forward in this positive direction. Our ability as a group has been to perform at the highest level. We expect the same from our members and future rookies."

The four drivers consist of growth, player development, group efficiencies and teamwork. "I've had both great leaders and great mentors. And I was given a big opportunity," says peer Trojanowski. "I hope everyone feels comfortable with what we've accomplished with our drivers."

1. Growth - demands planning and recruitment of players. This growth also demands additional services for player enjoyment and special vendor considerations.

2. Player Development - involves attracting and retaining the best field possible. These players will also demonstrate a positive and energetic style while giving back to the group.

3. Group Efficiencies - engages our large group to establish cost and service efficiencies. These advantages include, but are not limited to, group lodging, lower golf rates, better food at lower prices and vendor synergies for maximum entertainment consumption.

4. Teamwork - ensures the services and responsibilities are spread out across the group. Ensuring that all opportunities are realized and determined by a team.

"Our group has made such a big difference in amateur golf and golf trips in general", said another member Greg Garrett. "The Carl Spackler Open hasn't just impacted people by offering them a window of guaranteed entertainment. It has set the tone for players to come in here and benefit their lives and their families' lives. I just can't help feeling proud of the fact that I have had the opportunity to be part of this."

The 2005 Carl Spackler Open is scheduled to begin on June 9, 2005 near Pottsville, PA.  The 54-hole tournament has signed top players like Matt Davis, John Dick, and Scott Miller.