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March 18, 2005

POTTSVILLE, PA — The 2005 Carl Spackler Open will be played at Mountain Valley Golf Course. Just 15 minutes southeast is Pottsville, PA and the Yuengling Brewery.

The Captains Club has included an optional tour during the Carl Spackler Open tournament week. Not just a tour, but also a taste test.

None of this will be possible for players that wear open toe sandals or open toe anything.  Yeungling carries it's strict policy against open toes.

"As a safety precaution by the brewery, everyone planning to attend better bring along the appropriate attire", says Matt Davis of the Captains Club.  "If you feel like ice skating, then wear your golf spikes as a last resort."

The bar in the brewery, commonly known as the Rathskeller, was built in 1936.  As the oldest brewer in America, Yuengling doesn't only have longevity to its credit; the brewer's flagship brand Yuengling Traditional Lager has become one of the most modern "new" brands in the portfolios of beer wholesalers up and down the eastern America.

"We are very excited about our itinerary," says Don Creighton. "These are the type of activities that make this week the best thing going. It is non-stop entertainment around the clock. It's hard to believe some people stay home with their families as something better to do."

The brewery currently distributes its products in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Delaware, Maryland, Washington D.C., Virginia, North Carolina and Florida. They have been reopening markets and opening new territories to distribute Yuengling beers.

The Yeungling Brewery is one of several optional activities scheduled for the 5th Carl Spackler Open. The Tournament Honoree will be announced on Monday.