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2006 Already?

May 27, 2005

MAHANOY CITY, PA — The 2005 Carl Spackler Open is not even in the books yet. Steve Hoden has not helped anyone put on their Golden Jacket and the Carl Spackler Outfit has not humbled anyone. Regardless, the Captains Club begins preparations for the 2006 tournament expected to grow to a conservative 80-100 participants.  That in itself is not something put together over dinner.

"One of the key components to the summer is determining a new location and golf course for the 2006 Carl Spackler Open," says Jason Watson. "Visiting venues starts early," says the Chief Executive Officer Jamie Myers. "Getting time away to visit them is a process that starts earlier than most people think."

The Captains Club has July and August to play all potential venues.  Then September and October to get quotes, estimate, budget, and create invites for November.

The Spackler Business Office has released their target venues for 2006 as they continue to gather information and prepare for the 2005 championship next week in Pennsylvania.

The shortened list of potential locations to include: 1. Rochester NY 2. Binghamton, NY 3. Wheeling, WV 4. Lexington, KY 5. Toledo, OH (30 minutes northwest in southeastern Michigan)

"We have some really nice facilities," says Matt Davis, Vice President of Contests/Outfits. "Old Silo east of Lexington was just ranked #1 in the state of Kentucky by Golf Digest. Conklin Players Club near Binghamton, Ravenwood near Rochester, Legacy near Toledo, and Olgebay near Wheeling are all ranked four and one-half stars by Golf Digest Readers.  But only one can be the 2006 venue."

"Our deadline for golf course quotes will be September 30, 2005," says Greg Long. We should have our annual Captains Club vote on October 15 and release our 2006 location shortly after."

Players interested in playing a particular venue should contact the business office for scheduling.  Binghamton, NY is scheduled for possibly June 7.

The business office is always looking for potential Spackler venues.  Lodging with 50 double bed rooms continues to be the key component.  South Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania have been eliminated until at least 2010.  Southwestern New York, central or eastern Maryland, West Virginia, southeastern Michigan, northeastern Kentucky, and Knoxville, TN metro area are open for bid.

The 2005 Carl Spackler Open is scheduled to begin in just 12 days at Mountain Valley near Pottsville, PA.  The 2006 Open is scheduled for June 10-12, 2006.