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Bartlett Set to Return
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Rookie Dosky Signs
Prime Time

September 9, 2002

TERRA ALTA, WV — Prime Time:  That's where you would like your game to be at the start of every tournament. But how do you get yourself in your prime at the precise time?

"It's easy for me to get there it's just timing it correctly so I am there when I need to be. I hate peaking before everyone else," Says Founding Father Gus. "Yes, I've heard that before." Comments our lovely reporter.

"I really never had a prime, so it is not really an issue for me. What you have to keep in mind is that none of that stuff matters. What matters, matters." Slurs former rookie of the year Stacey Bartlett.

"You see golf just come easy to me and as long as I have my three wood, I am really unstoppable." Comment made by unidentified Loozer.

"I am starting to get worried, my game was starting to peak then I took some more lessons and then I got Lasik eye surgery. My game is in a state of flux right now. It could go either way," says Slick. "I am always in my prime regardless if I have one eye or not."

"Well I can kiss it goodbye again. My game has come and gone faster than the pile of donuts on Gus's breakfast table. I know I bet everyone that I would come back and win this thing this year. And I really was on my way. But something happened and my game has left me again. Hopefully I can find it before September 25th." J.T. Thomas former actual golfer.

"Well typically I call and order my supplies sometime around July first, as these things take a good 6 weeks to come in.  Heck last year they came so late I did not even get them opened before the event. I had to bring them still in the wrapper. No, No, Sizeten. We are talking about your golf game not your porn supply," says Mr. Reporter Guy. "Yes, Yes, I know I always play better after watching it."

Well there you have it some elite golfers share their methods of getting into that zone.