News Release
Buckle Up!
Hurricane Winds Swirling
Could this be you?
Prime Time
Hard and Repulsive
Less than 30 days
Bartlett to miss Round 1
Contest Winners Announced
Vegas Releases GVI Odds
The Real Stan Signs
Rookie Blankenburger Ready
Second Letter Sent
GVI Preparations in Progress
Elvis Is In the Building
Rookie Entries Piling Up
Bartlett Set to Return
New Award for 2002
Schlitzmaltliquorski Registers
Rookie Dosky Signs

September 20, 2002

TERRA ALTA, WV — Where are they now?  The sacred weekend that is Golfapalooza has touched many lives through the last 5 years.  It started with 8 and has steadily grown from there.  One of the most valuable assets a Loozers has to offer is the ability to enhance another person?s life by inviting them to a Golfapalooza.  Realize this honor is also not something to be taken lightly.  For the invitees that attend Golfapalooza are direct reflections on the invitor.  

There has been some good ones and some bad ones through the years.  This year should be no different.  There are 6 rookies that have committed to the weekend.  At least one will win the rookie of the year award and the others will effect the weekend in their own way.  But make no mistake about it they will all reflect on their sponsor in one way or another.

Greg Davis ? ?Well, he had potential then just grew in a different direction.  Perhaps it all started when his wife knocked him out with a right hook.  He did know how to work the entertainment and left us with a few gems like ?What do you like on your taco?.  Not anticipating a return.?

Sean Shay ? ?As long as we can keep him quite he is ok.  Sean has been absent for a while but is expected to make a full return in the near future.  Sean definitely was an asset to G.  Although he did not win rookie of the year he did win best line.  When the lady wrecked into the fence in front of the lodge, Sean very deliberately stated that the cause of the accident must have occurred do to the passenger having his thumb up her a$$?

Dave Taylor ? ?Well, he enjoyed the ALCS playoffs and we haven?t heard from him since?

Joe Grubler ? ?Just not his bag.  No nearly enough killing for him?

For this year what will we get?  We have Gstan recruiting more of his family with a brother and uncle in the mix for rookie of the year.  We have Charter Member Bull doing his best to find a James Dean lookalike fire starter guy.  Slick bringing the CFO from his Carl Spackler Open.  We have Patch trying to prove he actually has a friend by inviting a gust of wind from the north.  And finally we have Grundo that has been able to talk the Philippian taught doctor to join us.  

What do the Loozers out of this Rookie class have to offer is yet to be determined.   ?I really don?t care, I?ll kick all their asses.?  Says McFarland.