Averages (last 10 rounds)
Quadruple Bogeys 0.2000
Triple Bogeys 3.5000
Double Bogeys 3.3000
Bogeys 5.9000
Pars 4.2000
Birdies 0.9000
Eagles 0.0000
Double Eagles 0.0000
Bonus Points 12.500000000000
PostStats Stroke Handicap
As Of Sep 20 +15.08
Series Participation
Other News
Nickname Chad
Residence Toano, VA US
Birthday September 27
Height 5 ft, 10 in
Weight 180 lbs
Occupation General Manager of Sign Visions
Playing Since 1987
Swings Right
Poor Shots Slice
Referral Other
Registration December 2, 2017
Favorite Course Robert Trent jones
Favorite Hole #17 at Golden Horseshoe
Best Shot #7 at James river country club
5 from 58.666666666666664 yards
Flew it in
Dream Foursome Michael Jordan , Charles Barkley , Bill Murray
Golf Course Pref Condition, Layout, Pace
Reasons I Golf Friendships, Get Outside, Score/Compete
Latest Scorecards
2024 Virtual
Tourney Handicap
PostStats Stroke Handicap
As of Jan 1 +15.65
PostStats Point Handicap
Quadruple Bogey 0
Triple Bogey 0
Double Bogey 1
Bogey 3
Par 4
Birdie 8
Eagle 16
Double Eagle 25
Target 61
2024 Virtual
Tourney Statistics

3 rounds required in 2024

News Headline
May 21, 2018
Rookie Tops Huge Class

JERSEY CITY, NJ — The Carl Spackler Open has signed a bunch of rookies to compete in 2018 major championship. One of the most skilled is Dan Patterson from Jersey City, NJ. He signed in November and leads the rookie class with a +4.17 stroke handicap. "Dan has tremendous success at the regional level," noted local Brian Long. "He can hit the ball as good as anyone, but tournament conditions and looking forward to seeing his ability off familiar property."

Pat Boland reading from a scouting report added, "Patterson has shown great ball control for several years. Combined with his mental toughness, he has the ability to shoot in the mid-70's on familiar turf. He adds great depth to a large group of very good golfers."

Dan Patterson is part of a rookie class 19 golfers from 9 different states.

"I have always wanted to participate in the legend of the Carl Spackler Open," says Patterson from the local golf range in New Jersey. "I am looking forward to the opportunity to bring home a Golden Jacket to the state of Jersey and the parade that would likely follow."

Dan Patterson is one of very few players who is not scheduled to receive a single point for double bogey. The other rookie is Charles Broaddus. Although things can and do change everyday, Dan is presently expected to receive 2 points for bogey, 3 points for par, and 7 points for birdie.

"I still need to talk to Brewster about the morning runs," says Patterson. "I think it would be a great idea join Brewster for his morning run. A few miles starting at 5:33 would get the muscles awake and burn off that beer fat."

Another exciting rookie on the roster comes from Russell, PA. The mullet wearing Sam Pusateri has been preparing for a punishing tournament course at the local Blueberry Hill golf course. "Its exciting to become relevant in golf," said Pusateri boasting his +22 handicap. "To think Russell could be home to a major champion is pretty special. The pride that I would feel to be a local hero would be a dream come true. To be a household name in Warren County, possible endorser of businesses, and likely free meals at local restaurants are pinch me moments."

The 2018 Carl Spackler Open will hold its practice round on Wedneaday, June 6. The round will tee as a dual tee and be the first glimpse of the punishing Moorland course at Legends Resort.