News Release
One Week To Go - Can Sullivan pull it off
Mr. Recovery
Rookie - Doug Weaver
On Fire !!!
Melick Wins Week One
The games have begun
Let the games begin
Let the games begin

April 12, 2007

OSTRANDER, OH — When asked about the league starting on April 19th, Eric Melick said "Why wait I'm ready now" and upon finding out that the first round is going to be a practice round to help solidify the points Eric was quoted as saying "Practice, Practice, we talkin about practice, who needs practice. These guys better bring their “A” game every week."

Eric plans to arrive at the course around noon. Get his stretching in hit a bucket of balls, perhaps grab lunch, get some more stretching in, hit another bucket, take a nap, grab a snack, polish his clubs, do some putting, walk the course, check his bag, wash his balls, hit another bucket and then wait for Flanagan, Sullivan, Minardi, Buskey and Lyme to show up in time to get beer before teeing off.

"I think this gives me an advantage over these guys, luck find those prepared."