News Release
Shane Owens Triumphs
Championship Preview
Fighting the Urge
Bag Storage Planned
Red (& Yellow) Stakes Explained
Mobile Website Returns
Lost Ball Explained
Press Conference Scheduled
Replay Round Returns
White Stakes Explained
3rd Set of Options begin May 1
The Quest for Gold
Deadline for 2nd Set of Options
Outstanding Balances Due
2nd Set of Options to Open April 5
Final Roster Space Explained
March 21 Deadline for Phase 3
1st Set of Options Continue
Phase 3 Starts March 1
Roster Hinges on Single Occupancy
Deadline for 2nd Set of Options

April 16, 2024

MARSHALL, MI — The Captains Club, organizers of the upcoming Carl Spackler Open, announced the second set of participant options will close April 26. This set was opened once as a full roster for the event had been finalized, marking a crucial step in the preparation process for one of the most eagerly awaited golf tournaments of the year.

“The focus of this second set includes preferences for playing partners, roommates, and the initial stages of organizing transportation plans,” said Captains Club member Chris Price. “These aspects are pivotal in ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for all participants throughout the duration of the event.”

One of the unique features of the Carl Spackler Open is its diverse mix of individual participants and small circles of close friends and family. However, this diversity poses a logistical challenge when it comes to double occupancy hotel rooms. To address this, all participants are required to provide a list of five roommate preferences. Given the varying sizes of these friendship circles, which can often be odd numbers of people, organizers then merge multiple circles into double occupancy hotel rooms.

“Rookies are paired with their top preference,” added Chris Price. “Individuals with single room reservations are expected to humor us with five preferences as our computer is unaware of your single room circumstance.”

Furthermore, organizers emphasize the importance of providing roommate flexibility, with participants being urged to consider beyond the initial five preferences. This increases event flexibility and is measured as contribution towards the 2025 Roster Worksheet.

The second set of participant options will also organize carpooling for 84 individuals traveling to the same place. With participants having varying start and finish times for their golf rounds, spanning up to two hours apart, effective transportation planning provides further carpooling opportunities.

“There will be multiple people flying into or out of the same airport,” says Jason Ridgeway. “Providing flight information to everyone along with ground transportation plans will cut costs along with saving unnecessary trips to the airport.”

To streamline this process, organizers have introduced a transportation schedule that identifies vehicle drivers with a car icon in the daily pairings. This feature aims to facilitate last-minute carpooling between the hotel and the golf course, providing participants with greater convenience and flexibility during the event.

As the countdown to the 2024 Carl Spackler Open continues, organizers remain committed to ensuring that every aspect of the event is meticulously planned to deliver an unforgettable experience for all participants. Excitement among golf enthusiasts is reaching new heights as they eagerly await the opportunity to customize their experience for this highly anticipated tournament.