The Green Jacket

Jacket Worn by Last Place on Saturday Night

An award will be presented to the Loozer who finishes in last place in the MELC point competition. The criteria for selection is the Loozer who accumulates the fewest total MELC points over Golfapalooza's 3 competitive rounds. Winner Requirements: The winner of the Green Jacket is required to bringing photographs or videotape of himself or others (non-Loozers) wearing the Green Jacket in a public forum. The winner is also required to wear the Green Jacket all of Saturday night at Golfapalooza, after receiving the award. Finally, the winner is required to participate first in the following year's Long Drive Competition, and then mark each subsequent Loozer's drive while wearing the Green Jacket. Tie Breaker: A tie for the Green Jacket Award shall be broken by a Board Member vote on who fits in the Green Jacket better. Award: The Jacket

Past Winners
trip Golfer Reason
Golfapalooza XXVIII Buckey, Dan 22 points
Golfapalooza XXVII Kaniecki, Mark Well that escalated quickly
Golfapalooza XXVI Miller, Chris 8 Points
Golfapalooza XXV White, David 12 Points
Golfapalooza XXIII Thomas, JT
Golfapalooza XXII Miller, Chris
Golfapalooza XXI Pagett, Ken
Golfapalooza XX Green, Ronnell
Golfapalooza XVIIII Young, Mark
Golfapalooza XVIII Kassap, Grant First repeat winner EVER!
Golfapalooza XVII Kassap, Grant Wire to wire - never a doubt!
Golfapalooza XVI Kaniecki, Eric Note to self - starting to drink at 6:30 am Thu won't help your game
Golfapalooza XV McFarland, Don Jungle Juice strikes again!
Golfapalooza XIII Hibner, Tim WTF? What Green Jacket winner leaves before the awards?
Golfapalooza XII Thomas, JT Missed it by 2 feet!
Golfapalooza XI Watson, Brian Sniffed too many propane fumes from the gas grill
Golfapalooza X Bartlett, Stacy Never really any doubt
Golfapalooza IX Capitano, Marc Scored 85 MELC Points
Golfapalooza VIII Watson, Jason Scored 109 MELC Points
Golfapalooza VII Patel, Mehul
Golfapalooza VI Domaoal, Pete
Golfapalooza V Szymonski, William