The Johnson


This award is presented to the Loozer who drives the ball farthest from the practice tee (remaining in the driving range area, shots to the woods do not count). The winner will be determined by each Loozer hitting 2 drives from the practice tee area and the most recent Green Jacket winner shall mark off each drive as the length of drives increase; longest shot shall take the award. Only one Loozer shall be eligible to win this award each year, however, any Loozers striking the Green Jacket winner with a drive will receive special honorable mention at the awards banquet. Winner Requirements: None Tiebreaker: Additional Tee Shots (with Jager shots) Award: Trophy

Past Winners
tourney Golfer Reason
Golfapalooza XVIIII Alford, Kyle
Golfapalooza XVIII White, Aaron Drive into the weeds will usually win this thing.
Golfapalooza XVII Watson, Brian MISTER Brian Watson.
Golfapalooza XVI Dosky, Rick Not all that surprising
Golfapalooza XV Kaniecki, Mark One of the perks of having terrible weather and a huge wiener.
Golfapalooza XIV Munksgard, Jon JEEEEZZZUSSSS Munk!!!! Let somebody else win something!
Golfapalooza XIII Kaniecki, Mark Clinched at the weigh-in
Golfapalooza XII Garrett, Greg Into the weeds, need we say more?
Golfapalooza XI Boland, Patrick Heart Attack! Shmart Attack!
Golfapalooza X Kaniecki III, Stan put his weight behind it
Golfapalooza IX Carlstrom, Brian 210 Yards
Golfapalooza VIII Long, Greg 250 Yard Drive
Golfapalooza VII Watson, Jason
Golfapalooza VI Watson, Jason
Golfapalooza V Long, Greg