Averages (last 15 rounds)
Quadruple Bogeys 0.6667
Triple Bogeys 1.6000
Double Bogeys 4.2667
Bogeys 5.6667
Pars 5.0000
Birdies 0.6667
Eagles 0.0000
Double Eagles 0.0000
Bonus Points 19.133333333333
PostStats Stroke Handicap
As Of May 9 +14.91
Series Participation
Other News
Nickname Bob
Residence Lake Forest, IL US
Birthday September 13
Height 5 ft, 10 in
Weight 185 lbs
Occupation President
Playing Since 1990
Referral Patrick Boland
Registration April 18, 2005
Golf Course Pref Condition, Layout, Pace
Reasons I Golf Friendships, Socialize, Score/Compete
Latest Scorecards
Date   Golf Course Stks Adj Stks  
06/09/12 Conklin Players Club 92 N/A
06/08/12 Conklin Players Club 95 N/A
06/07/12 Conklin Players Club 93 N/A
05/29/12 Deerpath GC 97 +10.4
05/22/12 Oak Brook Golf Club 89 +6.3
05/15/12 Highland Woods GC 93 +7.4
05/13/12 Deerpath GC 94 +7.8
05/09/12 Deerpath GC 96 +10.1
04/18/10 South Padre Island GC 99 N/A
04/17/10 South Padre Island GC 108 N/A
2024 Virtual
Tourney Handicap
PostStats Stroke Handicap
As of Jan 1 +14.07
PostStats Point Handicap
Quadruple Bogey 0
Triple Bogey 0
Double Bogey 1
Bogey 2
Par 4
Birdie 7
Eagle 16
Double Eagle 25
Target 61
2024 Virtual
Tourney Statistics

3 rounds required in 2024

News Headline
December 20, 2010

CHICAGO, IL — The course was very normal length with eighteen greens, four sets of tees for each hole, and 14 fairways. The competition was similar and his round was good, however something happened at the 9th hole to Bob Morris that had him scratching his head.

"It was one of those things that I have never experienced," says Morris. "This is probably a once in a lifetime experience."

Morris arrived to an upscale golf course with his three-some. They grabbed a pair of carts and headed out to the first tee.

"I was playing with a bunch of hackers," said Morris. "One guy was pretty long off the tee, but he was still a hacker."

Morris and long-hitting buddy decided to ride in one cart and tee from the blue (the tips), which is 6,512 yards. The other two hackers would play from the white tee, which is 6,353 yards. "Normally I would just move up and play with the hackers," says Morris. "But that was before I started playing in major championships each June. I am always in preparation for Spackler's tournament yardage and a slope rating in the low-130's."

The group played uneventful golf for 8 holes. The group arrived to the 560-yard 9th hole and found the back tee. Morris walked up the mound and discovered the white tee. He turned around and looked backwards. He did not see anything except trees.

"I thought that someone forgot to put the tees down," says Morris. "We walked all over the place, but nothing could be found except the 'gold tee' about 40 yards up. We must have walked or drove the cart each direction 100 yards."

There was nothing wrong with the golf course. The hackers ended up teeing first and the Morris cart ended up teeing second. The foursome figured things out, played out the hole, and moved through the back nine where it happened again at the 15th hole.

They completed 18 holes without an ounce of ground-under-repair. The Morris cart teed first on 16 holes and the other cart teed first on 2 holes that day.

"The story is like a golf riddle," says Morris. "A pretty good riddle. How can this happen once let alone twice on the same day? So I am asking you guys. How can this happen legally at an upscale golf course within the rules of golf?"

The 2010 Virtual Tournament continues with Mike Hawley in the lead with 72.1 points per round. There are 10 days left in the season-long event.