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Mr. Sand Trap

January 4, 2008

WARREN, PA — The Vice President of Cuisine, Mike Trojanowski announced today the signing of member Joe Muscaro with his national letter of intent to play golf at the 2008 Carl Spackler Open Championship. The second year member should not be confused with Steve Mascaro of Warren, who attended in 2004-2005 and wore the Al Czverik Outfit in his rookie season.

Joe Muscaro, a.k.a. Mr. Sand Trap, roared into his rookie tournament last June in Michigan. He was pimp-slapped by the numerous ragged bunkers throughout the golf course. "He was in at least 20 to 30 bunkers today," said buddy John Sabat after Round 1. "Look at him. He looks like he was physically, emotionally, and mentally beaten."

Muscaro was one of very few competitors to skip the optional practice round. "Rookie mistake," said Muscaro. "I was very unaware of the major championship and it's requirements on each player. You learn that a national golf tournament is no place to fool around. I have learned my lesson and completely overhauled my game plan."

Mr. Sand Trap racked up worse than double bogey golf through 11 holes. He finished the 11th hole during Round 1 with 70 strokes. "Not good for a 12 handicap," says Sabat. "It was like a beating nobody should be allowed to watch. It was a very uncomfortable day for everyone involved."

Muscaro turned things around quickly and learned for his mistakes. Unfortunately, the lack of practice round and first 11 holes was too much to stay in the hunt.

"I had too much fun last year not to do it again," says Joe Muscaro of his rookie tournament. "I am the poster child of mediocrity this year. I hope to bring that up a notch next year to slightly below average."

Joe finished with 125 points and a tie for 44th place. He also managed to shoot 4-over 40 on the back nine during Round 2 play.

Mr. Muscaro signs as the 15th participant. The 2008 Carl Spackler Open Championship currently has a tournament field of 55 golfers. The optional practice round is scheduled for June 4. Tournament preferences and options will be ready for participant selection starting March 8.