Mandatory Player Meeting
Do Not Forget
Awards & Trophies
Daily Pairing Sheets
Bag Storage
Tournament Rules
Dress Code
Golf Carts
Transportation to Michigan
Transportation in Brooklyn/Jackson
Rules of Engagement
Smoking Rooms
Tournament Handicapping
Weather, Bugs & Weather Delays
Super 8 Motel
Practice Round
Nightly Entertainment
Provided Beverages
Personal Coolers
Scoring & Long Putts
Upon Arrival
Practice Balls
Time & Itinerary
Onsite Help & Questions
Event Rules
Golf Rules
Tournament Handicapping

The tournament handicaps will be using Poststats Points for a 7th year in a row. These points are completely independent of Virtual Tournament handicaps. They will be updated and printed in early June.

The 4-man Scramble will be overhauled this year including the use of handicapping. All golfers within a team will be analyzed together and be given a team handicap. The handicap system is devised for 3-man team to compete against a 5-man team on a level playing field.