News Release
Shane Owens Triumphs
Championship Preview
Fighting the Urge
Bag Storage Planned
Red (& Yellow) Stakes Explained
Mobile Website Returns
Lost Ball Explained
Press Conference Scheduled
Replay Round Returns
White Stakes Explained
3rd Set of Options begin May 1
The Quest for Gold
Deadline for 2nd Set of Options
Outstanding Balances Due
2nd Set of Options to Open April 5
Final Roster Space Explained
March 21 Deadline for Phase 3
1st Set of Options Continue
Phase 3 Starts March 1
Roster Hinges on Single Occupancy
Lost Ball Explained

May 13, 2024

MARSHALL, MI — The Carl Spackler Open, a revered 54-hole amateur golf tournament with a rich history spanning two decades and crossing 13 states, has attracted 410 golfers over its existence. This esteemed four-day competition, known for its handicapped format, requires players to submit scorecards from their local games throughout the year.

Recently, the Captains Club, a group overseeing the event for 22 years, proposed changes aimed at streamlining future editions of the tournament. The proposal suggested simplifying proceedings by eliminating certain regulations, handicapping procedures, awards, designated tees, and the time-consuming scoring process.

Greg Long, Chairman of the Captains Club, emphasized the significant effort required from participants and volunteers to organize this individual golf competition. He advocated for a more relaxed approach without rules, handicaps, and competition. However, the proposal was ultimately rejected by the Captains Club, which unanimously voted to preserve the competitive nature of the Carl Spackler Open.

This decision underscores a commitment to maintain the essence of the tournament as a challenging handicapped golf event. As the event evolves, it aims to engage participants who relish the competitive spirit of golf.

In a series of upcoming articles, we will elucidate the six fundamental golf rules in their simplest forms. This article focuses on the concept of a lost ball and its penalty.

A lost ball in golf is defined as one that disappears in the trees, fairway, long grass, or any unstaked area on the course. Contrary to popular belief, a ball that crosses yellow, red, or white stakes or lines incurs a penalty but is not considered lost.

Jason Ridgeway emphasizes this distinction, clarifying that while a ball may vanish beyond a colored stake, it is not penalized as lost. The Carl Spackler Open adheres to the USGA Lost Ball Local Rule, granting players two minutes to locate their ball, deviating from the USGA's three-minute allowance for pace of play reasons.

Under this rule, if a player is reasonably certain of a ball's location but fails to find it, they incur a penalty of two strokes. The procedure involves estimating the spot, adding two strokes to the score, identifying the nearest fairway edge without moving closer to the hole, and dropping a new ball from knee height.

"Misconceptions often arise after declaring a ball lost," as Ridgeway notes. "Players may mistakenly drop a ball near the presumed location and add only one stroke, violating the rules. In such instances, players have the option to replay the shot from the same spot, incurring a one-stroke penalty."

Looking ahead, the 2024 Carl Spackler Open kicks off its practice round on Wednesday, June 5th. With 84 players registered from 16 states, anticipation is high for the 23rd edition of this celebration of golf and camaraderie, with the Captains Club poised to crown another champion in the coming months.