News Release
Shane Owens Triumphs
Championship Preview
Fighting the Urge
Bag Storage Planned
Red (& Yellow) Stakes Explained
Mobile Website Returns
Lost Ball Explained
Press Conference Scheduled
Replay Round Returns
White Stakes Explained
3rd Set of Options begin May 1
The Quest for Gold
Deadline for 2nd Set of Options
Outstanding Balances Due
2nd Set of Options to Open April 5
Final Roster Space Explained
March 21 Deadline for Phase 3
1st Set of Options Continue
Phase 3 Starts March 1
Roster Hinges on Single Occupancy
Roster Building Continues

November 8, 2023

ST. LOUIS, MO — The Carl Spackler Open, a beloved golf tournament with over two decades of tradition, unveiled an innovative approach to roster building for its 2023 event. After reaching record levels of success and demand in 2022, the tournament's organizers, known as the Captain's Club, charted a new course to address this increased interest while preserving the event's core values.

Record Demand and Success in 2022

In 2022, the Carl Spackler Open achieved unprecedented heights of both size and success after 21 years of existence. The demand to participate in this iconic Illinois-based tournament exceeded 100 golfers, showcasing its growing popularity. However, as demand surges, tee time availability across the nation has been steadily decreasing, posing challenges for tournament organizers.

A Proactive Approach to Roster Building

In response to this surge in demand and limited tee time availability, the Captain's Club has adopted a new proactive approach to roster building for the Carl Spackler Open. This approach is designed to ensure that the tournament remains a handicapped golf tournament with a strong emphasis on friendship and camaraderie, a hallmark of the event since its inception.

The key features of this new roster building approach are as follows:

Intentional Roster Building: The Captain's Club has chosen not to build rosters on a first-come, first-served basis or by attendance seniority. Instead, future rosters will be intentional and built from groups of friends who contribute to enhancing the handicapped golf tournament experience and the overall Spackler experience.

Familiar Contribution: Rosters will be constructed by considering contributions from participants until they reach the maximum tee time availability or the registration deadline. Three-Phase Roster Build

To streamline the roster building process, past participants are organized into three phases, occurring approximately 3 to 5 months before the event date. Each phase includes three administrative actions:

Adding Pending Participants: At the start of each month (or phase), a group of registrants is added as pending participants with or without payment.

Processing Payments: Payments received are processed during the phase. Unregistering Unpaid Participants: At the end of each month (or phase), unpaid pending participants are unregistered.

Registrants granted a pending roster spot have until the 21st of their designated month to fund their spot, making it official. Participants who paid upon registration are automatically considered official participants. Unpaid participants at the end of the month (or phase) will be unregistered.

Final Roster Space

Remaining roster spots will be allocated exclusively to paid registrants using the Roster Worksheet, a quick process completed immediately after Phase 3. Further paid registrants will be contacted regarding the waiting list or offered a 100% refund.

This new roster building approach demonstrates the Carl Spackler Open's commitment to maintaining its unique identity while accommodating the growing interest in the tournament. It promises to create a more intentional and inclusive event where friendship and camaraderie remain at the forefront. Golf enthusiasts and longtime fans of the Carl Spackler Open can look forward to an exciting 2024 event with a renewed focus on fostering the Spackler experience.