News Release
Shane Owens Triumphs
Championship Preview
Fighting the Urge
Bag Storage Planned
Red (& Yellow) Stakes Explained
Mobile Website Returns
Lost Ball Explained
Press Conference Scheduled
Replay Round Returns
White Stakes Explained
3rd Set of Options begin May 1
The Quest for Gold
Deadline for 2nd Set of Options
Outstanding Balances Due
2nd Set of Options to Open April 5
Final Roster Space Explained
March 21 Deadline for Phase 3
1st Set of Options Continue
Phase 3 Starts March 1
Roster Hinges on Single Occupancy
Recourse for Missed Deadlines

January 22, 2024

MARSHALL, MI — In a groundbreaking move, the renowned Carl Spackler Open, recognized as the #1 amateur golf tournament in the United States, has initiated its Roster Acceptance process for the upcoming 2024 event. Launched in 2022, the new approach aims to foster contribution and inclusivity, departing from the conventional first-to-register or first-to-pay methods.

Captains Club member Bill Bateson expressed, "The Carl Spackler Open began a new proactive approach in 2022 not to build rosters by first-to-register, first-to-pay, or by attendance seniority." He outlined the innovative process, emphasizing golfers' contributions, including timely registration, payments, adherence to golf rules, scorecard posting, and completion of participant options.

Late registrants or those missing payment deadlines are not left without recourse. Chris Price, another Captains Club member, highlighted the flexibility provided for latecomers, stating, "Unregistered people who missed the Phase 1 deadline are accepted at the beginning of Phase 2 if registered by January 31."

Throughout January 2024, Phase 1 unfolds, comprising three crucial administrative actions: adding registrants as pending participants, processing received payments, and unregistering unpaid participants by month-end.

Greg Garrett, a Captains Club member, emphasized the importance of paying the deposit upon registration. "Pending participants with unpaid deposits are identified on the participants' webpage," he clarified. "We highly recommend registrants pay the deposit upon registration, eliminating the need for calendar management. Unpaid registrants who miss the deadline are Unregistered in late-January."

Unregistered unpaid golfers wishing to participate must re-register for the event and enter the next phase of the roster build provided space exists. "Our office does not have a collections department that makes house calls," says CFO of the Captains Club Rick Dosky. "We have a memorable vacation based on golfer contribution."

For those who missed deadlines, the Carl Spackler Open provides detailed instructions within the website notebook:

Instructions for Golfers Who Missed the Deadline to Register:

(1) Register on the website immediately. (2) Pay the Deposit ($200) during registration. Consider paying the Full Event Fee, with funds applied to the current or last event attended and automatically carried forward. (3) Monitor the website to ensure funds get posted to the current or last event attended. A full 100% refund will be returned to registrants not accepted due to roster size, ensuring a 100% guarantee.

Instructions for Registered Golfers Who Forgot to Pay the Deposit:

(1) Register on the website immediately. (2) Pay the Deposit ($200) during registration. Consider paying the Full Event Fee, with funds applied as mentioned earlier. (3) Monitor the website to ensure funds get posted. A full 100% refund is guaranteed if not accepted due to roster size.

Instructions for Paid Golfers Who Forgot to Register:

(1) Register on the website immediately. A full 100% refund is guaranteed if not accepted due to roster size.

The Carl Spackler Open's innovative Roster Acceptance process ensures that all golf enthusiasts have an equal opportunity to participate, setting the stage for an exciting and inclusive tournament in 2024. As the golfing community eagerly anticipates the event, the organizers continue to prioritize fairness and accessibility for every participant.