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Vegas Releases GVI Odds
The Real Stan Signs
Rookie Blankenburger Ready
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GVI Preparations in Progress
Elvis Is In the Building
Rookie Entries Piling Up
Bartlett Set to Return
New Award for 2002
Schlitzmaltliquorski Registers
Rookie Dosky Signs
Rookie Blankenburger Ready

July 15, 2002

WHEELING, WV — Golfapalooza Rookie Jeff Blankenburger turned in an impressive 34 point performance over the weekend at Columbus's very difficult Longaberger Golf Club, including a crowd-pleasing 65-yard hole-out birdie at the 18th.  Jeff is locked up in the seven-man battle for second place in the Golfapalooza Summer Open Championship, with only 1.9 average Melc points separating 2nd place from 8th place.  "I don't know who this 'Mills' character is and I really don't give a hoot" said Jeff after his round Sunday "but one thing I do know is that nobody is going to catch him...f&#$er! This is definitely a race for 2nd."

Blankenburger has a full schedule of events planned leading up to Golfapalooza, and admits it can get difficult to stay focused.  "Sometimes its hard to out there and play on those hot summer days.  I get mobs of fans around me.  Because of my very unique last name, people tend to think that I am one of the McDonald's Happy Meal characters, and they are not shy about coming right up and asking for autographs."

Blankenburger was partnered this weekend with Golfapalooza's reigning MVL Max "Bull" Dieterle, who really didn't want to play, but had heard that the course was a great place to buy grossly overpriced wicker baskets.